A.I, Data and Software Engineering


Predictor VS. Estimator quick note


There is much confusion for beginners in machine learning. One of the frequently asked questions is the difference between predictor vs. estimator. Let get some note: Different usage “Prediction” and “estimation” indeed are sometimes used interchangeably in non-technical writing and they seem to function similarly, but there is a sharp distinction between them in the...

Predict coronavirus deaths by days

As the pandemic is going on with an increasing number of deaths daily, let create a simple model to predict the deaths caused by 2019-nCoV (Wuhan Coronavirus). The 2019-nCoV death data I grab the death toll data from World Meters website. DateDaily DeathsFeb. 889Feb. 786……Jan. 2416Jan. 238 Plot the data Firstly, we transform the table into a Pandas data frame. death_toll =...

A.I, Data and Software Engineering

PetaMinds focuses on developing the coolest topics in data science, A.I, and programming, and make them so digestible for everyone to learn and create amazing applications in a short time.
